miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


Metals are kinds of elements that are known for being strong(For making car shells), hard(For kitchen items) and shiny(For coins).



Some examples are Iron(Fe), Aluminium(Al) and Gold(Au).

Ferrous Metals: Composed mostly of Iron and other metals favourising their properties needed for their use. They have few resistance to corrosion.

Resultado de imagen de metal



-Vehicle Scrap Metal
-Demolition site Scrap Metal
-Metals offcuts from manufacturing industries

Non-Ferrous Metals: They don't have Iron. They are non-magnetic and resist corrosion better.
 Resultado de imagen de metal


-Reacts easily with oxygen
-Conducts well heat and electricity
-Can make a lot of noise
-High melting points(Hard to turn in liquid)
-Usually solid at normal temp. (Except mercury)
-Positive ions
-Usually high density

They are used to make:
-Electrical Aplliances

Resultado de imagen de metal made objects
http://www.wordreference.com/es/ to traduce some words.

An Alloy is not an element, it's a group of some elements in where it is a metal.


-Metallic Glass(Amorphous metal)(Metals with glass structures)
-Metallic Foam(Gas compressed into a solid metal when it's liquid)
-Aluminium oxynitride(An aluminium that is transparent)

Resultado de imagen de metal foam




miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Holes film experience


To do a film like that was very hard so we had to work a lot to get it good and we failed  in a bit because of my fault: We did some good scenes and we send them on mobile phone, but we couldn't use them so the teacher showed us how. Toni Bonet gave me some scenes in a pen and i took some,
Because i had to edit the film. I could  make the Scratch record and edit it not badly. But 4 scenes were left: i missed one, they didn't send two and the other one ... it was entirely my fault because i had to be more alert at the scenes sended.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Technology is human innovation in action to make new things so human lifes become easier.
For example:
-A phone lets us comunicate from long distances.
-A plane lets us travel around the world in little time.
-A washing machine lets us have our clothes clean.
-An oven lets us heat up food so it's better one.
-A computer lets us research information, have entreteinament and helps me doing this project;).

In technology:
-It's important to know well how to do it because if not it wil be very hard.
-A good technique may help you getting better results that other ones.
-When you craft you'll need the good materials or if not it will be comletely useless.

Mindmap: https://www.mindomo.com/es/mindmap/cbd72857ccf44a9b9e16834f06ec89e8

In a technology process:
-We need to think in the problem
-Now we research information
-When we got an idea, we do sketches
-We think on materials and tools
-We think about the tasks
-We make the budget
-We build
-And we evaluate.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016


My name is Ricard López Ginard and i live in Artà, i have a +30 years old  sister that works in a academy of English. I like playing video-games and some chess, and i like swiming pools and holidays too. I don't use to like school or homework but i don't hate it. I lived in a very cool house at Sa Font de Sa Cala, but me and my parents moved to Artà, where i used to go to School already.
I used to have pets and i love eating curry chicken or pizza, but i hate eggplant, "sopes", and stew.
In a future i would like to be a Youtuber cause i like playing videogames and share everyone my passion. I don't prefer anything to study because i don't have it clear.
I expect that technology is kinda cool but not much cause...it's school! It uses to be boring.
My technological objective this year is to pass the signature with good mark.
So i hope i have a good year and goodbye!